BIOS Reporter – Volume 5, No.3 – July 1981

One of the cries which we sometimes hear from organ builders in these conservation-conscious days is “What about our artistic instincts? How are we to be ourselves if we are constantly tied to the practices and the tastes of the Past?” They have a point. The true organ builder (that is, one who is master of all aspects of the craft, and who has consistent artistic principles which define for him the style of instrument which he will build) is an artist in his own right, and not simply a servant of whichever past style happens to be currently in fashion. Though there may be instances when it is desired to create a new organ entirely in the spirit of a particular past era, or even to produce a straight replica of an extant historic instrument, in the vast majority of cases the building of a new organ is the opportunity for a modern master of the craft to produce a modern work of art: in his own style, without pedantic constraints as to scales and voicing, and bearing his own inimitable stamp. It can then be assessed as a musical instrument in its own right – without any of those embarrassing qualifications of “If it hadn’t been for the organist…” or “I should like to have done this, but Dr so-and-so, the consultant, insisted..” Notrue artist will be afraid of having his work criticised (in the best sense of that word) if it really is his own work. He can ask no more…