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Richard Hird
Richard D. Hird MA MRTPI LTCL had a number of roles in the UK organ world and died a few days ago. He was active in several organisations as well as BIOS. For many years he was the BIOS Honorary Treasurer and also built and managed the website BIOS used until 2012. By profession he was a chartered town planner, now retired after many years with Durham County Council. He was educated at Batley Grammar School and gained his MA from St Peter’s College Oxford. As well as continuing as a member of BIOS, Richard was Diocesan Organ Advisor for Durham, a committee member of the Darlington and District Organists’ Association maintaining their website and frequently posting on their social media. Richard was a guest speaker about organs for organisations outside the organ world and had speaking engagements scheduled. Richard was a widower and leaves two daughters. All who knew him are both saddened and surprised by his death. May he rest in peace.