BIOS Reporter – Volume 20, No.3 – July 1996

Imagine the following situation: you have been asked to give a recital at a local church and in some Kafkaesque twists of fate, the programme has been dictated to you – all you have to do is play it. Most is staple fare with the exception that several items are usually heard played on a large instrument in a building with a generous acoustic. They can however be played on two manuals with a little thought. Another twist. The organ has nine stops, each manual with one four foot stop, the Great, a flute, the Swell, a Gemshorn. You might be blessed with a Cornopean and an octave coupler. The final twist, there is no possibility of cancelling the recital, altering the programme to โ€˜suit the organโ€™ or arranging for someone else to play should you plead indisposition…